It begins with listening to you and your business growth plans, strategy and real world needs. As a consultancy practice, my time is best spent meeting with you - ensuring clarity and best in class service. As such, my price-point is elevated to ensure a bespoke service level for you. It is also built into my own business lifestyle goal - allowing for more time with you, the client.

My focus is to collaborate closely with Programmes, Groups, CEOs, business owners or the solo entrepreneur. Focusing on what is possible as well as understanding pain points and real business needs. In order to deliver this clearly with well-thought-out solutions - each client gains a tailored service built for different aspects within the business ecosystem.

My goal is to lead with care, compassion and to enhance efficiency and drive growth through strategic consulting.

  • Creative - Providing quality Branding, Design, Client Acquisition and Growth support.

  • Technology - Exploring the available age of AI, digital tools, CRMs all with bespoke research and delivery. Acting as affiliate to some of the very best - ensures a collaborative approach.

  • Well Being - To establish a sense of value based, “slow-down” whilst “speeding-up” thoughtful techniques. To focus on helping you make the right decisions within business and ensure your lifestyle ideal is found.

    All decisions must be made with careful timing - and, are yours to make.

  • Working to complete and build strategic projects for you which are bespoke. Or, enrol on my digital marketing support package which keeps you (the business) connected.

  • Researching, adapting and sourcing the best solutions for your business to run smoothly.

  • Positive energy is key in business - even when the going gets tough, reach deep to find a solution. It is the central focus when coaching or building relations with us.

  • He communicated clearly and effectively, also listening to my needs regarding the project we were discussing. There were boundaries spoken about to what our work together included, including confidentiality.

    A mentor

  • James was able to put himself in my shoes to identify what would be the most effective solutions tailored to me and I felt confident in being heard and understood.

    A book writer

  • I was also challenged on some points which I appreciate, as it helps to get the best out of a person.


  • At the end of our session and in the paperwork afterwards, James gave me a summary of our session which was aiming to meet various objectives which was clearly laid out.

    Business Owner


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Take a look

My service provides a well thought through set of solutions - and planning support. This includes tapping into my eight years inside financial advice, achieving 100+ excellent reviews and using my caring, creative and artistic outlook to help you!


What things can you do?

Our service is determined to get into the nitty gritty - and be honest. Ideal client is a business who has the investment, time and open minded ability to work this through.

  • Working in a clear structure we set a clear framework, list out tasks you need to do - and act as your team to keep you accountable. This is especially important to have someone on the end of a call - regularly - to support you through. From little to large decisions - let’s make it easier!

  • It all begins with ensuring you stand out. But we question is it just this? Would you be better digging deeper?

  • Sharing all the experience and holding tasks to account. Getting things done!

  • Using a state of the art system - we onboard you and give you access to your own dashboard. To ensure this then building out quality content across where customers find you.

  • So, this website is self built - as it fits our current stage of growth. Where needed - simpler options are often best. For more complex solutions - Webflow, Wordpress or custom - can be quoted.

  • Get connected with many specialists across business - and strengthen your network.

Newquay Tolcarne Beach a favourite local spot which inspires and sets the scene - business lunch, discussions and solid drinking spot.
