Coaching with care, planning and a life coach style.

My goal this year has been to design a service which stands out for really putting “care” and “solutions” top of the list for the business owner.

The Start

Building on over 20 years of real-world workplace experiences, my coaching techniques are crafted by nurturing the delicate balance between professional growth and personal fulfilment.

Bringing together Creativity, Coaching and a Studio

With a life long passion for creating a quality feel, look and style for others - it’s now time to blend every bit of this into my new business Cornish Hue. As an independent business my aspiration is to bring others more clarity - honesty and integrity into the business landscape. This year, my time has been spent meeting and researching the markets around me, often the two ends of the spectrum meaning far too many solutions when all you want is momentum.

Whilst we talk about what your strategy really is - and, where it could be pointed first - this longer pattern of conversation means getting to know your business better.

Using latest trends, tools and techniques - to really build a pattern of solutions out for your business.

Here's an outline of the methodologies I employ to empower business leaders and entrepreneurs.

Real energy and self belief - momentum

If you are reading this, you are most likely a business owner seeking support. You have a set of plans, ideas and projects to be realised - carefully considering all the options available to you. After spending 8 years in financial advice for property myself - it was imperative that a clear journey and structure was in place. All my energy was being placed in transactions which closed decisions down and supported the outcomes required. Now, my mind can move fully and formally into a coaching space which can give each person a unique blend of structure and creativity,

So, let’s gain some clarity.


Life is full of challenges - pressure points and issues exists and need to be solved. These become the foundation of my coaching philosophy - truly listening to my clients. By spending more time with each client, I ensure they are heard, understood, and involved in the process. This approach is not just about providing solutions but about fostering a sense of ownership and confidence within the client. By setting clear a list of priorities - we are able to cater for what means most to you and your business moving forward.

Crafting Bespoke Services

Every business is unique, and so are its challenges. As such, I provide a consulting service that takes the time to delve deeply into both the business owner's perspective and the digital customer journey. This dual focus helps in creating strategies that are tailored to the specific needs of the business.

Look forward to meet you - lets begin!


In-person meetings for creative brainstorming.


It's a personal vibe. Reflecting on Adobe 2003 to the modern tools in 2024